The total volume of exports for this sector increased in the first nine months of 2015 as compared to the same period of the previous year by 9.66%.
Second as export, with a share of 10.6% are the ago food products. The total value is almost 4.33 billion euro for the analysed period up by 7.9%. The third position is occupied by the products of textile and leather industry with a sum of 4.26 billion euro (down by 0.38% against the first nine months of 2014) and a share of 10.43% of the total of exports.
The products of the chemical industry and plastics occupied the fourth place with 3.91 billion euro and a share of 9.57%. As compared to the first three quarters of 2014, the volume increased by 2.87%. Fifth in the top of exports are metals with a share of 8.73% and 3.57 billion euro respectively, up by 1.72%.
In the top 5of the most important products, the machinery industry is still the first, with a share of 39.08% (18.1 billion euro) followed by chemical industry products and plastic products with 17.64% (8.19 billion euro),base metals with 11.08% share (5.14 billion euro) agro food with 9.35% (4.33 billion euro).
The total value of the international commerce of Romania in the first nine months of 2015 was of over 87.357 billion euro, up by 6% against the same period of 2014,export having an increase up to 40.914 billion euro (+4.7%) and import an increase up to 46.443 billion euro (+7.1%).
Under these conditions, the deficit of the commercial balance of Romania increased by 28.5% from the level of 4.302 billion euro (on 30 September 2014) at 5.529 billion euro (on 30 September 2015). (source: