Motorcycles and spare parts and accessories posted the largest advance, of 42.7 percent, year on year, followed by cars (24.9 percent), maintenance services (15.2 percent) and spare parts and accessories for cars (4.8 percent).


When it comes to market services, hairdressing and beauty services topped the list with a 32.2 percent rise, followed by activities of hotels and restaurants (18.9 percent), washing, cleaning and dyeing of textiles (15.6 percent) and travel activities (13.1 percent). Gambling and other recreational activities, however, saw a slight drop of 9.2 percent.


Compared to March 2016, both automotive sales and market services posted positive results with 2.2 and 0.6 percent increases in adjusted series.


When measured over the first four months of the year, once more there were annual increases posted in both categories, 15.1 percent for car sales and 13.8 percent for market services. (source: