The representatives of CON-A Sibiu have declared they completed the project in Jucu in a year. “Those are the best looking warehouses we have ever done, a completely different concept from what we have done before”, has declared Cristian Maniţiu, zone executive manager of CON-A Sibiu.


Bosch initially invested EUR 77 million in Cluj. The new research and production centre occupies a total area of approx. 38,000 sq. m. By beginning of 2014, 325 employees have worked in the centre. In the following years the investment wll be expanded, Bosch planning to continue the recruiting process.


 Bosch is present in Romania in four cities: Bucharest, Blaj, Cluj and Timişoara. In the beginning of 2014, the total number of Bosch employees in Romania was approx. 2,000 persons. (source: