However, numbers registered in 2014 doubled from the 21,100 registered in 2011, while compared to 2013 there was a 15.5 percent increase. Some 90 percent of the groups were made up of two or three enterprises.


Of the total number of groups operating in Romania in 2014 only 10 percent (5,325) were resident and 90 percent (46,159) were multinational. Of these, 106 were domestically controlled and 46,053 foreign-controlled.


Most company groups in Romania operate in retail trade (32 percent), construction (13 percent), manufacturing, real estate or scientific and technical activities (10 percent each).


The all-resident enterprise groups predominantly operate in wholesale and retail trade (25 percent), professional, scientific and technical activities (14 percent), manufacturing (13 percent) and construction (12 percent). 

According to the share of the number of employees, most of the enterprise subgroups in Romania are controlled from Germany (17.5 percent), Netherlands (11.9 percent) or France (10.8 percent). Most of these operate predominately in manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade and information and communication. (source: