Continental hired only in 2016 1,700 new employees and the team will expand in 2017 with nearly 1,500 persons.

Therefore, Continental has surpassed the group Renault Romania, which registered in the end of last year a total of 16,700 employees.

Continental has invested last year UER 170 million in its operations in Romania and the value of its local investments reached EUR 1.2 billion during 1999-2016. 
Renault Romania Group, on the other hand, has invested in Romania EUR 2.5 billion in the period In 2000-2016.

Continental manufactures annually in Romania more than 150 million of products for automotive industry.

According to the company’s representative, nearly 27 pct of the employees, more than 5,000 persons, are engineers. The company will hire more specialists this year, such as experienced engineers, software and hardware specialists, mechanical engineers, as well as young graduates of professional schools.

Continental planned for 2017 investments with a level comparable to the level of last year, around EUR 170 million.
The company will invest in developing its personnel, production units and research and development units’ infrastructure and equipments.
Continental has seven production units and four research and development centres in Timisoara, Sibiu, Carei, Nadab, Brasov and Iasi. (source: