The new park will generate around 12 million kWh yearly, covering the electricity consumption of around 10,000 households.

Aside from solar, EGP has 498MW of wind capacities in Romania. The company is one of the biggest players on the local renewable market, along with Czech utility CEZ or Austrian utility firm Verbund.

Romania has reached over 3,300MW of incentivized renewable capacities by September, according to grid operator Transelectrica. The country was able to generate a massive influx of foreign investments due to a support system based on green certificates that was approved in late 2011. In the meantime, the government moved to change the support scheme this summer, to limit the impact on household and industry bills.


The energy regulator recently unveiled its intention to cut the incentives for renewable projects coming online next year. Authorities are currently exploring the option of enforcing a feed-in tariff for renewable installations next year, in a move designed to appease new investors. (source: