Romania’s total value of the export shares with China in the previous year reaches EUR 525 million, while the share of total imports from China were equivalent of EUR 2,887 million, marking a deficit of -2,362.


China was the top European Union partner for imports and the second largest EU partner for exports in 2015.A fifth of EU’s total imports (20.3 percent) came from China, which marks a 2.4 percent raise compared to 2014, while 9.5 percent of all EU exports were conducted with China. Both exports and imports between the EU and China were dominated by the machinery and vehicles trade.


The Eurostat dataset shows that a deficit of EUR 180 billion was registered in trade in goods with China, Germany and Finland being the only two countries that haven’t registered any deficits. However, the surge of exports with China has resulted in a surplus of EUR 10.3 billion.


Germany and United Kingdom registered the highest percentages of shares of total exports with China, both reaching 6 percent, while Lithuania registered the lowest shares of total exports, 0.4 percent.


In terms of imports, the Netherlands had the highest shares, registering 14.5 percent, equivalent of EUR 66,291 million. The lowest shares of imports were registered in Croatia, scoring only 2.8 percent (equivalent of EUR 525 million).  (source: