Investing in shipment centers complements the company’s development plan in the medium and long term plan, which includes the opening of the second regional hub in Brasov and the modernization of its main urban centers.


“The shipment center at 2 Theodor Pallady Boulevard, M2A block, operational starting today, is an additional solution that we adopted for customers who cannot or do not want to wait for the courier at home. It is a solution that complements the Collect Point service and the agreement signed at the end of 2014 with OMV-Petrom. Investments for increasing customer satisfaction are a priority for our company’s evolution,” said Roxana Magopet (pictured), marketing & PR manager of Fan Courier.


Spanning 68 sqm, the center covers a new area in Bucharest.


The company estimates a turnover of EUR 102 million for this year, an increase of about 15 percent over the previous year. Fan Courier has maintained a steady growth pace even during the economic crisis. During 2015 the parcel carrier invested some EUR 12 million from own sources, 50 percent higher than initial estimates.


Fan Courier is a Romanian-owned company, founded in 1998 by Adrian Mihai, Neculai Mihai and Felix Patrascanu. Over 4,550 collaborators have since joined its team to manage a fleet of 2,750 vehicles and a portfolio of over 30,000 clients. (source: