With a total surface of 12,000 square meters, the plant features an ergonomic production area and employs 1,200 staff. Using cut-and-sew technologies, it produces textile and leather covers for some of the world’s largest automakers, including Peugeot, Renault, and other Volkswagen brands. The fabrics used for more than 500 types of covers are mainly provided by local suppliers (75 percent).


“Thanks to our successful experience in Romania, Faurecia decided to invest EUR 12 million in the most modern seat cover plant of the group, located in Ramnicu Valcea. The investment generated over 700 new jobs. Our objectives for the next period are to increase our production capacity in order to deliver over 280,000 covers this year, and to recruit some 600 new employees by 2017”, stated Hagen Wiesner, Executive Vice President, Faurecia Automotive Seating.


“Given the importance of our employees’ contribution to the growth of Faurecia Romania, we are committed to offering them the best working conditions and specifically tailored qualification programs. At this moment, our resources are directed towards attracting and training new employees to ensure a sustainable long-term workforce to secure our future growth”, stated Mircea Bucur, General Manager for Tălmaciu and Vâlcea, Faurecia Automotive Seating.

The Ramnicu Valcea factory was opened in the presence of Minster of Economy Costin Borc and the company’s management. Faurecia employs 3,000 people in its four Romanian plants and generated a total sales of EUR 203 million in 2015 and EUR 119 million in the first half of 2016. (Source: business-review.eu)