In an interview for, Gijs Klomp, the head of capital markets of CBRE, who will take over a similar position within NEPI starting this end of month, says there is an important growth of the number of investors and of the interest for Romanian market, only there are not enough projects on sale locally.


“There are many investors from Europe, USA and even from South Africa, willing to buy projects in Romania, only there are not enough projects on sale. If there are not enough projects on sale it is hard to convince investors to come to Romania. An investor is looking for several opportunities( ...)”, said Gijs Klomp.


The investments specialist also considers that the acquisition prices are growing in the region, but in Romania they remained relatively stable.

 “The market in Romania is more and more attractive, also due to the fact that the prices here are stable compared to other countries in the region. We might see new names on the market, investors sensing the right moment and making their entry locally. (…) We have developers building to sell. It is a good thing for the market and this thing is resuming the optimism. Romania is the ideal place for an investor considering the markets in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). We have a solid economy, where the financing is today more flexible, and the real estate segment become even more important”, added Klomp.


Gijs Klomp, of the most experimented investment managers in Romania, will leave in the end of June the CBRE team.


According to information obtained from, Gijs Klomp will join NEPI starting 1st of July, a company which faced recently a series of important management team changes.

Gijs Klomp held the position of head of capital markets CEE within CBRE, taking care of several important projects in the countries, such as the sale of Green Court, developed by Skanska, the sale of several industrial projects, also contributing to a series of projects in ongoing sale process. (source: