The investments on the segment of the industrial and logistics spaces represented 33 pct of the total real estate investments volume registered in the first quarter, a study made by DTZ shows.


Moreover, Bucharest is part of CEE cities where the value of industrial spaces rental registered growth in the first quarter of 2015.


The CEE region had a strong start this year, with over 800,000 sq. m rented in the first quarter, 32 pct up compared to last year.


At the European level the logistics and industrial spaces request has increased with 6 pct., reaching 3.8 million sq. m in the first quarter of 2015 compared to theĀ  similar period of last year, according to the study above.


The request was sustained mostly by the retailers and the industrial companies active in the three principal markets in UK, Germany and France, following the positive economic perspectives in Europe.


Robert Hall, Head of EMEA Logistics DTZ, has declared: ā€œHaving the advantage of its position, Germany remained the most active market in Europe in the first quarter of 2015, with 35 pct. of the total registered activities.ā€


The rental value of the industrial spaces remained stable in most of the European markets, but theĀ  consultants expect on long term that the prime rental value to begin a growing trend, with 1.6 pct average growth predicted for the next five years.


The industrial investments volume in Europe reached EUR 4.2 billion in the first quarter, compared to the numbers registered in 1Q 2014, a record year of the last decade. Considering the location, UK was the main attraction for the investments, with entries of EUR 1.3 billion while the largest transaction of the quarter, the acquisition of a portfolio of EUR 323 million by Cerberus Capital Management, was signed in Italy.


Magali Marton, Head of EMEA Research DTZ, added: ā€œContinuing the trend from 2014, the international and American investors showed a strong interest for the European industrial markets, reaching nearly one billion Euros in acquisitions of logistics assets in the regionā€™ā€™. (source: