The short term inquiry conducted this April found that managers from the manufacturing industry expect the output volume to grow in the coming three months (short-term balance +18 pct). The manufacturing of chemical substances and products will see an accentuated upward trend (short term balance +42 pct), whereas tobacco manufacturing will see a steep decline (short-term balance - 43 pct).


The projection for prices of industrial goods is of relative stability in the next three months (short-term balance +1 pct). The number of employees too is expected to stay relatively stable, with a short term balance of + 2 percent for the manufacturing industry overall.


According to April 2016 estimates the construction sector will see a boost in both the production volume in the following three months (short-term balance + 28 pct), and the stock of contracts and orders (short-term balance + 23 pct). The managers estimate a moderate increase in the number of employees (short-term balance +9 pct). Construction work prices are expected to stay relatively stable (short-term balance +3 pct).


In the retail trade sector managers expect economic activity to follow an upward trend (short-term balance +26 pct) and the volume of orders to suppliers of goods to grow (short-term balance + 19 pct). The employers forecast for the next three months a moderate growth in the number of employees (short-term balance + 9 percent) and a moderate advance in retail prices (short-term balance +7 pct).

According to April 2016 estimates, the demand for services (turnover) will increase in the next three months (short-term balance +16 pct). The number of employees in the service sector is expected to stay relatively stable (short-term balance +4 pct). According to the managers, selling or billing prices will stay relatively stable (short-term balance +2 pct). (source: