This is the second expansion of the plant in the last two years, after the one in 2013.

The German Group continues to invest in Romania five years since the inauguration of the plant that registered a turnover of over EUR 36 M last year, up by almost 50 per cent year-on-year. Likewise, the company’s profit has grown almost six fold in 2013, to EUR 3 M.


“The new division, which will serve Miele Group, will produce the software programs for an extremely varied range of domestic appliances and professional products,” Miele Tehnica CEO Hartmut Hohaus stated. The company has already started to recruit employees, and will continue to expand its team in 2016 too.


The Brasov plant will continue to produce electronic control panels. In order to prepare the following development stage, a new assembly line that will produce control panels for small and medium-sized production runs will be integrated at the Brasov plant. The value of this new investment stands at approximately EUR 1 M, according to Miele officials.


“This new investment – in the same production sector – in the Miele plant is based on one hand on the experience we have in the production of electronic subparts. On the other hand, the very good results registered by the Brasov plant in recent years, both in what concerns productivity and of the products manufactured, played a role that was just as important,” Hartmut Hohaus emphasized. He also explained that the new investment will also generate a hike in the number of employees, one that will be progressive and proportional to the new assembly line’s production volume. The plant had 123 employees at the end of last year.


“Miele Tehnica’s turnover grew by 39 per cent in fiscal year 2013-2014 (July 2013 – July 2014). In the last 2-3 years we registered a growth of a little over 50 per cent. We are now in a consolidation stage that will continue until the start of next year. In the meantime, we are focusing on investments in technology, production and “green’ technology,” Hohaus pointed out.

Miele Group entered the Romanian market in 2007, by setting up Miele Appliances SRL. Romania represents one of the main South-East European countries that project a new business outlook.

Miele consolidated its authority in what concerns the domestic production of integrated circuit boards and electronic components by setting up a new production plant in Brasov, Romania.


The groundbreaking ceremony took place at the end of 2008 and the new “Miele Tehnica” was completed in September 2009, providing the electronic parts and subparts that Miele urgently needed. Miele Tehnica manufactures control panel parts and electronic boards. In a location and with equipment that respects the newest technical standards, the high standards of quality for all Miele products and locations are fully respected.


Miele, a family business launched in 1899, has a total of 12 plants – 8 in Germany and 1 each in Austria, Czech Republic, China and Romania. The Group manufactures high-end domestic appliances such as cooking stoves, ovens, refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, espresso machines. Apart from these, it also manufactures professional dishwashers, washing machines and dryers, equipment for disinfection and sterilization for medical and laboratory use. (Source: