“We have two major producers, of course there is room for another,” the Economy Minister said. “I do not have information, but there are talks. I don’t want any information, because, before decisions are made in a major company nobody wants them disclosed, because they can even be derailed,” Costin Borc said.

“There are talks for a third assembling plant in Romania, a great international carmaker,” the minister said. “One from Europe, one from outside of Europe,” he added.


“We are furthering the ongoing discussions. We are trying to bring a third carmaker in Romania,” the minister said.


“It is fundamental for us a third manufacturer, but also that the Romanian subcontractors can develop. Both for Ford and Renault, as well as for the third one. A lot of things are being done, including the idea to give a state aid that can start from one million, not from ten million,” Costin Borc said, explaining that the state aid was meant for those producing subassemblies.


Two major carmakers, Ford and Renault, have opened factories in Romania so far. Ford Romania employed 3,143 in 2014 at its Craiova plant. Renault Romania was opened in 2001 and in 2015 employed 14,000 people. (source: business-review.eu)