The transaction volumes in 2015 were dominated by the industrial acquisitions (41%), a historical maximum for this segment, followed by the offices (38%).


„For this year, the forecast regarding real estate transactions is positive, considering that the official economic growth expectations and the market availability of the quality products. 2015 was a year of spectacular acquisitions both on industrial and office segments, through the acquisitions made by P3 and CTP, as well as GLL, NEPI or Globalworth. This adds to the selling of the industrial portfolio owned by Immofinanz to Blackstore. The total transaction volume reached, according to market information, to nearly EUR 650 million. The beginning of this year highlighted the completion of lease agreements for existing projects or in advanced phases of construction, with a revival of the industrial premises rental market”, explained Costel Alecu, managing partner of Romtor Real Estate.


In the following period it is expected an increase of the industrial facilities volume, offering an annual yield of 9 pct, compared to 7.5 pct in the office and retail market.


Such an evolution is necessary, considering that there is a major interest in the segment of areas between 500 and 2,500 sq. m, as the current offer does not cover the request.


„We see a high determination for clients to sign lease agreements, as the market is more dynamic and the vacancy rate is almost inexistent. Most of the request comes from the companies in the pharmaceutical, manufacturing and distribution fields. The latter was greatly expanded in the context of increasing consumption, boosted by lower taxes”, added Costel Alecu.


The most wanted zones for industrial facilities in Bucharest are the West (Militari), South (Berceni, Popești Leordeni) and East (Pantelimon, Theodor Pallady, Voluntari).


The asked rent is situated between EUR 3.5-EUR 4.5/sq. m, depending on the location and the facilities offered. (source: