Moreover, the retailer is working on the expansion with 12,000 sq. m of its logistics centre in Ploiești, up to 26,500 sq. m, this warehouse being the network’s largest, according to data from Profi.


The company also owns in Cluj Napoca area of 11,500 sq. m (dry) and a unit of 2,250 sq. m for fresh products, a centre in Timisoara (fresh) on 2,800 sq. m and one in Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu country (fresh), on 4,800 sq. m.


Profi is the retailer with the most dynamic expansion this year, counting 81 store openings. The company’s target is to reach 100 new stores this year.


Profi’s general manager, Daniel Cîrstea, recently declared for that the new stores openings would continue as aggressively as before, the plans of the company aiming that the networks should reach 500 units next year. The network’s expansion will continue after reaching this threshold.


In recent years, Profi opened more than 60 stores yearly. Currently, the company’s network counts 355 stores in 168 localities and has almost 8,000 employees.


Regarding businesses, Cîrstea says that Profi is on a healthy growing trend of two figures.

The retailer registered last year a turnover of EUR 415 million, with 26.6 pct. growth compared to 2013 and a net profit of EUR 6.15 million, 1.7 pct. higher. Profi occupies the ninth position on Romanian retail market, by turnover.


Profi is owned by the investment fund Enterprise Investors.


CTP is the fourth largest industrial parks developer in Europe, with a portfolio of nearly 2.5 million sq. m and revenues from rents of EUR 120 million. The company announced in 2007 that it intended to develop one million sq. m of industrial parks in Romania, buying for this purpose lands totalizing 60 hectares in Borș, Bihor county, in Pitești (Argeș) and in Turda, Cluj county. The projects were stopped however due to lack of tenants.


This year, CTP has reactivated on the local market, where it also have taken over the logistics park Cefin Arad, with 93,000 sq. m, which was transformed to CTPark Arad, and Deva Logistic Park, of 43,000 sq. m, reaching a portfolio of nearly 180,000 sq. m  (source: