When it comes to exports the official data published by Italy’s Statistics Office show that Romanian companies are 10th in the rankings of European exporters whose goods and services end up on the Italian market. In what concerns Austria, the Statistik.at data show that European Union companies, including those from Romania, were accountable for most of Austria’s imports of goods and services (EUR 37.7 bln in total imports of EUR 53.88 bln) registered in January-May this year.


Romanian companies export mostly construction materials, furniture, fruits and vegetables. In Italy the footwear made in Romania is the most sought-after according to an Akcenta survey, while Austria imports metal constructions products from Romania.


On the other hand, Polish exports to Romania have grown, surpassing the level of Polish exports to China volume-wise, a fact that has heightened Polish companies’ interest in Romania as a market for their products. The most popular products imported by Romanian companies from their Polish counterparts are furniture products.


Taking into account the EUR/PLN exchanges between Romanian and Polish entrepreneurs, Akcenta estimates growing interest in transactions made in the Romanian currency too.


The company’s analysts expect an intensification of Romanian trade activities both on the imports and exports side, against the backdrop in which the local market is attractive on account of its vicinity to Balkan states but also of the presence of ports, such as the port of Constanta, that offer access to the Black Sea basin. (sursa: nineoclock.ro)