In October 2015 compared with September 2015, there was an increase by 8.6 percent in mining and quarrying, while manufacturing declined 0.2 percent.


By main industrial groups, there were rises in the following sectors: capital goods industry (+3.1 percent), durable goods industry (+0.6 percent) and non-durable goods industry (+0.3 percent). There were drops in energy industry (-7.7 percent) and in the intermediate goods industry (-1.5 percent).


In October 2015 compared with October 2014, the turnover in industry increased per total by 0.5 percent due to rises in manufacturing (+1.0 percent). There was a decrease in mining and quarrying of 13.5 percent.


By main industrial groups, there were rises in turnover in the following sectors: capital goods industry (+7.4 percent) and durable goods industry and non-durable goods industry (+2.4 percent), each. There were drops in the energy industry (-26.0 percent) and in the intermediate goods industry (-1.0 percent).


Compared with the period January 1 – October 31, 2014, in the period 1 January 1 – October 31, 2015 the turnover in industry increased per total by 2.2 percent due to rises in manufacturing (+2.5 percent). There was a decrease of 4.5 percent in mining and quarrying.


By main industrial groups, there were rises in turnover in the following sectors: capital goods industry (+7.9 percent), durable goods industry (+5.8 percent), intermediate goods industry (+3.5 percent) and the non-durable goods industry (+2.3 percent). There were drops in the energy industry (-21.2 percent) (source: