From the total of 30,000 square metres of the former factory, the two companies occupy more than 15,000 square metres. Part of the space, 8,000 sqm respectively, are now used by the producer of detergents, while the transporter Arcese has more than 7,000 square metres of logistics space.

Ruukki Romania, part of the Finnish supplier of metallic solutions Ruukki Con­struc­tion, stopped in 2014 the production in its factory from Bolintin-Deal, an investment of EUR 35 million.
While the production of metallic roofs for residential segment was relocated locally, the production of metallic parts for industrial segment was transferred to factories in Scandinavia.

For a period, starting former Ruukki factory was used by the online retailer eMag as temporary warehouse. The company took over by leasing the production unit in order to use it as a warehouse for the period of the months of November (when orders are growing due to Black Friday) and December (the best month for the electro-IT retail, contributing with 30 pct to the annual sales).
eMag has though ended the rent contract this March. (source: