The factory will produce parts for the wings of Airbus planes.

„We inaugurate Sonaca factory in Moldoveneşti, on a plot of 10,000 m2 we bought, where we will manufacture components for Airbus A320 aircrafts, as well as for an aircraft manufacturer in Brazil. We produce parts for the wings’ attack board, the frontal part of the wing, from aluminium, which changes its bearing in landing or take-off. We also produce carbon fiber components for the Brazilian constructor. The investment is of UER 11.8 million, with more than half, EUR 5.4 million, state aid. WE already have nearly 30 employees and we intend to reach by the end of the year one hundred persons, increasing their number on medium term to approx. 250. The factory’s construction took 18 months and we have plans to expand in the zone in the next period and we bought another two plots near the current factory”, has declared Laurent Maroy, general manager of Sonaca Aerospace Transilvania.

Sonaca Aerospace Transilvania SRL is the local subsidiary of the Belgian group Sonaca SA. The main range of activity of the Belgian group is the development, production, assembly and testing of structures and systems for aircraft industry, civil and military. (source: