Last year, the new industrial spaces deliveries totalized nearly 160,000 sq. m, with 67.5 pct above the level in 2014. For this year, the developers have scheduled for completion projects totalizing 240,000 sq. m, most of them being build to suit, 40 pct. more than in 2015, shows data of JLL.


Total stock of modern spaces reached in the end of last year 2.1 million sq/ m (with more than 1 million sq. m only in Bucharest). The stock has increased with 8 pct. compared to 2014, and in the end of the year could reach, according to estimations, to 2.35 million sq. m if all the announced projects will be delivered.


Apart from Bucharest, the developers of logistics and industrial spaces have also built projects in Timișoara, Ploiești, Cluj, Pitești, Sibiu, Arad and Oradea.


The take-up has totalized approx. 310,000 sq. m, compared to the level of 2014, with new contracts and expansions of 265,000 sq. m (+27%).


New request was 60 pct. bigger than the new offer, so the vacancy rate was diminished to less than 5 pct. in Bucharest and 10 pct outside Bucharest. (source: