What does Store Expert Logistic mean for your customers?
For our customers, Store Expert Logistic means:
1. Personalized Support: We offer personalized solutions adapted to the specific needs of each client. Regardless of the size of your business or the complexity of your logistics requirements, we strive to provide services that add value and improve operational efficiency.
2. Reliability and Efficiency: We ensure fast and accurate delivery of products, reducing waiting times and minimizing errors. Customers can be confident that they will receive the products they need on time and in perfect condition.
3. Expertise and Innovation: Our team of experts is dedicated to identifying best practices and implementing the latest technologies to optimize logistics processes. Thus, our customers enjoy modern and efficient logistics solutions.
4. Cost Reduction: Through effective inventory management, we help customers reduce operational costs, thus contributing to increasing the profitability of their business.
In short, Store Expert Logistic represents for our customers one of the few One Stop Shop type companies in the field of metal racks. From the first contact, to the installation of the shelving system and after-sales support, we are with our customers at every stage of the process.


What about the competition? How do you position yourself compared to other companies on the market?
For the competition, Store Expert Logistic represents a quality standard for both the products and the services offered. Our market positioning is characterized by the following key aspects:

1. Quality and Reliability - Regardless of the size of the project we are working on, our team will never discount the quality of the products or services offered. We focus on providing high quality services, ensuring that every step of the logistics process is carried out with the utmost precision. This approach helps us gain the trust of our customers and maintain a high level of satisfaction.
2. Knowing the clients - Before any implementation, we try to get to know our clients, identify their needs, streamline prices and come to their aid with solutions perfectly suited to their businesses. After project implementation, this creates a more than professional relationship with our clients, we like to think that we are friends, not partners.


How would you describe in relevant figures the experience of your company on the Romanian market, from launch until now?
Since our launch on the Romanian market in 2008 and until now, Store Expert Logistic has registered a constant and significant growth. Our company has been operating on the Romanian market for 16 years, during which time we have accumulated solid experience and developed strong relationships with our partners. We currently serve a portfolio of over 4500 clients across various industries, which demonstrates our ability to meet the varied needs of the market. We have also expanded our distribution network nationally and internationally, having opened strategically located offices in all important regions of the country to ensure efficient and prompt coverage.

What can you tell us about your team?
We are a team of professionals with extensive experience in the field of metal shelving. With the help of 16 years of activity and over 4500 completed projects, we offer services adapted to the requirements of your field of activity, ensuring that we will find the perfect solution.


Who are your main customers? Who are you addressing?
Store Expert Logistic addresses its services to a wide spectrum of clients, covering various industries and sectors of activity. Our main clients include:
1. Retailers: We collaborate with large retail chains, ensuring efficient and fast delivery of store shelves so that the opening process is as fast as possible. Our clients include both local and international retailers.
2. Manufacturers: We provide storage racks to manufacturers in various industries including food, consumer goods, electronics and automotive.
3. E-commerce: We collaborate with e-commerce platforms, offering storage solutions to meet the ever-growing demands of the online market.
4. Distributors: Our partners include distributors of pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, medical equipment and other specialized goods, for which we ensure the equipment of warehouses with industrial shelves in order to create a safe and efficient environment.
We address all companies that need efficient and high-quality logistics solutions to optimize their operations. Our customers can be both small and medium enterprises as well as large corporations that need Industrial Shelving.


How do your customers find you? Which is the most used channel?
Our customers find us through a variety of channels, each helping to increase our visibility and reach in the marketplace. The most used method by which customers reach us is represented by recommendations from existing customers. The positive feedback and good experiences shared by our current customers generate a constant flow of new customers through referrals. Also, many of our customers reach us through our official website. It provides detailed information about our services, case studies and customer testimonials. In recent years, we have tried to remain active on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook, where we constantly publish information about our services, industry news and customer success stories.


What are the most important services and facilities offered to customers looking for storage spaces? What about the owners of industrial-logistics premises?
At Store Expert Logistic, we believe in more than just providing storage solutions. We believe in creating a future where every space is maximized, every product is organized and every customer feels valued. Our commitment is to provide not just products, but long-lasting solutions that fuel business growth.


What are the most important aspects that those who are looking for industrial shelving should take into account?
Choosing the right metal shelving system, identifying the products to be stored and establishing commercial objectives can make a significant difference for the business. Also, customers should ensure that even after the purchase of industrial shelving has been completed, they continue to have the support the supplying company. It is extremely important that in the event of any problem arising after the sale or installation of the metal shelves, they have someone to contact. Store Expert Logistic provides you with an experienced and dedicated team that will offer you the most suitable solutions for your needs.


In your experience, what is the average budget for fitting a hall with metal shelving?
Determining an average budget for outfitting a warehouse with metal shelving can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the warehouse, the type and specifications of the shelving, and the complexity of the project. More than just the surface of a space, it's how it's streamlined. We recommend making the most of every square meter and making sure that the metal shelving system is designed in such a way as to be practical and efficient.


What is the secret to success in your business? Efficiency, quality of materials, price of services, etc.?
At Store Expert Logistic, we are more than just a rack supplier. We specialize in all aspects of metal shelving, from design to renting. Our holistic approach ensures customized solutions, making storage needs uninterrupted. We fully understand that above the surface of a space, it is definitely how you make it more efficient. That is precisely why our team of specialists is with each customer, offering free advise and helping them design the ideal metal industrial racks specific to their business and field of activity. In this way, we capitalize on every square meter and ensure that the metal shelving system is thought out in such a way as to be practical and efficient. From the first contact, to the installation of the shelving system and after-sales support, we are with our customers at every stage of the process.

What is your opinion about the current market for storage spaces in Romania?
The storage space market in Romania is in a phase of significant growth and development, influenced by several economic and technological factors. The growth of e-commerce and the expansion of retail networks have led to an increased demand for storage space. Companies in various sectors, including retail, manufacturing and logistics, are looking for efficient solutions for inventory management and supply chain optimization. There are also significant investments in the development of new logistics parks and the modernization of existing ones. Real estate developers are focusing on building modern warehouses equipped with advanced technologies to meet market demands. Although the market is growing, there are also challenges such as the availability of suitable land, fluctuating construction costs and planning regulations. Managing these challenges is essential to the continued development of the market.


How have you planned the next decade of your company's business in the local market?
The long-term planning of our business in Romania is based on several essential strategic directions, aimed at ensuring the sustainable development and strengthening of our market position. We will continue to expand the range of services offered by investing in advanced technology, we will continue to focus on providing customized solutions for our customers, adapting to their specific needs and providing them with the necessary support to optimize their operations, and we will develop partnerships strategic alliances with key industry players such as technology providers and carriers to expand our capabilities and provide integrated services.