"In the context in which our industrial parks have already proved to be fully viable, the role of this fifth Tetarom industrial park will be to stimulate the economic and social development of the county in a harmonious and balanced manner, considering that jobs are still a problem for the inhabitants of the Turda-Campia Turzii area", said the president of Cluj County Council.

Cluj County Council will enusre the management of the project implementation. Also, the county administrative board will draw up all the technical, economic and urban documentation necessary for the establishment of Tetarom V Industrial Park and will develop the infrastructure of the park.

With regard to the Luna City Hall, in addition to the guarantees of the physical and legal viability of the 115 hectare land it provides, this commune will collect from the future residents of the park all the taxes. Câmpia Turzii City Hall will set up a public transport line linking the municipality with the industrial park and will finance a spin-off investment.

Similar to the other Tetarom industrial parks, the management of the future Moon Park will be carried out by Tetarom S.A., a company to which the Cluj County Council is a major shareholder. (source: ziuadecj.realitatea.net)