‘The market in Romania is fragile enough and the growth is weak enough. We invested 100 million dollars in the furnace 5 in Galati and I hope that due to this modernisation to have good results’ stated on Monday Aditya Mittal in a press conference.


As regards the European market, the manager Arcelor Mittal mentioned a positive trend and the demand has a constant increase over the last three years.


‘However, this coming back need not make us believe that we will get to the level before the crisis’ Mittal said. He reminded that the group had difficult periods, being almost close to collapse.


‘We had difficult periods, which needed difficult decisions. We were close to collapse. We came back as the production in the most important centres, we managed the fixed costs, the capital ones (…). The restructuring was an important objective, and the demand came back. It increased by 6% against 2014’ Aditya Mittal said.


He mentioned that the strategy of the group relies on three essential elements namely people, investments and innovation. The biggest challenge in his opinion China, stainless steel imports from this country being in 2013 growth of over 100%.


As regards the environment element, the official Arcelor Mittal stated that there are efforts for the reduction of the CO2 emissions but it drew the attention that it is necessary a global regulation regarding the emissions as much as Europe has no restrictions connected to stainless steel imports.

‘The present system proposed will not reduce the emissions in siderurgy but it will move them from one region to another’ Mittal said.


Arcelor Mittal is the biggest company in siderurgy in the world, present in over 60 countries in 19 of them with own production units. (source: actmedia.eu)