August 2015 had brought a decrease in industrial production compared to the previous month, both as gross series (18.4 percent) and as adjusted series (0.5 percent).


The September monthly increases were brought on by manufacturing (up 29.7 percent as gross series and 1.4 percent in adjusted numbers) and mining and quarrying (up 2.9 percent and 1.2 percent, respectively). The electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply was down 4.6 percent in gross series and 3.6 percent adjusted.


Yearly increases were brought on by electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning (up 6.2 percent in both gross and adjusted series) and manufacturing (up 3.4 percent and 3.6 percent, respectively). In both cases mining and quarrying activities dropped (13.2 percent and 15.7 percent).


During the first nine months of the year increased in gross series by 3 percent against the same period of the previous year, due to rises in manufacturing (3.6 percent) and the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (+2.3 percent). Mining and quarrying dropped 9.7 percent.


In adjusted numbers, the annual increase during the first nine months reached 3.2 percent, reflected by rises in manufacturing (3.6 percent) and electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning (2.7 percent), while a 9.5 percent decrease was reported for mining and quarrying. (source: