According to a CNADNR communiqué, starting on February 8, the company’s CEO decided to set up a working group dubbed “The Unit for the Implementation of the Feasibility Study: Revising/Updating the Feasibility Study for the Sibiu-Pitesti Highway.”


“The Sibiu-Pitesti Highway is our main infrastructure project and I decided to set up this implementation unit in order to hasten the completion of the feasibility study and in order to be sure that it matches the facts on the ground so that, once it is completed, we can start the tendering for the construction works. This project team will particularly monitor the detailed completion of special studies, so that the feasibility study would respect the quality standards imposed by the European Union,” Homor stated.


The implementation unit will exercise its specific prerogatives and take the necessary measures in order to complete the feasibility study – in line with the contractual deadline and quality parameters imposed by the tender book. -, the Technical Proposal attached to the contract, legal norms and other relevant regulations, to file monthly reports analyzing the documentation authored by the designer, to verify and approve monthly progress reports in line with the requirements imposed by the contract, which will be approved by the Technical Directorate and presented to the CEO, but also to back the financing request, with the designer’s support, in order to have it approved by the competent entities. (source: