“It was a hard year for us, in which we have been able to unlock up to 90 percent of them, and no matter what happens next year, these projects will be finalized: Sebes-Turda in full, Lugoj-Deva in full, Suplacu de Barcau-Bors, Mihaiesti-Nadaselu, the entrance in Bucharest A3. The first 1,000 km I can say (that they will be ready) in the first half of 2018,” said Homor in an interview for TV station Digi24.


He added that the whole system for implementing these infrastructure projects has been changed, starting with the way in which the feasibility studies are being done.


“We have changed this. The new implementation plan applies for new projects that will be tendered. So, the one doing the feasibility study will also make the technical study and will also have to obtain the construction permit. There is will be someone specialized, a planner. The construction firm receives the project, the authorization and the land transfers. In principle, the construction firm doesn’t think, but work, because if we leave it with the freedom of thinking for us, this is a big mistake,” added Homor.


Romania’s network of motorways had around 734 km at the end of 2015, according to CNADNR. (source: business-review.eu)