According to the CNAIR chief, much of the road infrastructure projects planned for the next period will be financed with European money, with the target being that the absorption of non-reimbursable funds will amount to four billion lei this year, half of the level of the previous financial year, of eight billions of lei.

"The company's challenges are those that public opinion has been waiting for so long, and I am referring here, for example, to the Pitesti-Sibiu highrway. In this case, we have all the hopes that in June we will begin the design and execution procedure for Sections 1 and 5. Here we are talking about the section from Boiţa to Sibiu and from Curtea de Argeş to Piteşti, a total of 45 kilometres. The Sibiu - Pitesti project is the ground zero priority, being largely expected by everyone",  said the general manager of National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration (CNAIR), Ştefan Ioniţă.  (source: