Industrial new orders in Romania advanced 2.5 percent overall in the first two months of 2016 compared with the similar period of 2015, mainly on increases in the orders for durables and capital goods, according to a press statement released on Tuesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).


Thus, new orders for the manufacturing industries were up 2.5 percent overall in the first two months of 2016, mainly on rises in orders for durables (+10.8 percent), capital goods (+6.3 percent) as well as for consumer goods (+1.6 percent). On the other hand, orders for intermediary goods were down 4.3 percent.


Industrial new orders (domestic and external markets combined) were up in nominal terms, 8.4 percent in February 2016 on a monthly basis and 8.7 percent y-o-y.


Compared with January 2016, industrial new orders increased in February 2016 as a result of rises in orders for durables (+19.7 percent), consumer goods (+10.0 percent), capital goods (+9.5 percent) and intermediary goods (+4.8 percent).


Compared with the similar period of 2015, industrial new orders were up as a result of increases in orders for durables (+20.2 percent), capital goods (+15.0 percent) and consumer goods (+6.9 percent). A 2-percent drop was reported in orders for intermediary goods. (source: