“In H1 2016 compared with H1 2015, industrial output in unadjusted terms was up 1.3 percent as a result of a 2.2-percent increase in manufacturing. The mining industry as well as the generation and provision of electricity, heat, natural gas, hot water and air conditioning were down 19.7 percent and 0.8 percent, respectively. When adjusted for work days and seasonality, the industrial output for the same period was down 0.1 percent because of decreases in the mining industry (-19.6 percent) as well as the generation and provision of electricity, heat, natural gas, hot water and air conditioning (-0.8 percent). Manufacturing was up 2.2 percent,” says INS.


The June 2016 industrial output was up on a monthly basis in both gross terms and adjusted for work days and seasonality, 2.6 percent and 2.1 percent, respectively.


Compared with June 2015, the June 2016 output was up 1.1 percent in unadjusted terms, yet down 0.5 percent when sanded for work days and seasonality. (source: nineoclock.ro)