Representatives of ROMARM and UMB declared that an agreement on assembling Jeep vehicles in Romania would be an opportunity for the Romanian plant, which is currently running at some 10 per cent of its capacity.


The meeting was also attended by Chargé d'Affaires Ad-Interim Dean Thompson of the United States Embassy to Romania.


Fiat Chrysler Automobiles has shown its interest in a partnership with Romania's industry as regards the 4x4 Jeep J8 military vehicles. According to Romanian and foreign representatives, the project is complex, and the range could be expanded to other defence, public order and national security vehicles.


ROMARM CEO Floarea Serban said that the proposition is "extremely important" and it could "start in a concrete manner the process of revitalization of the national defence industry which, unfortunately, has come to a critical point." She mentioned that depending, on the number of vehicles, UMB might start from assembling some components to manufacturing parts of the respective vehicles.


According to her, UMB, who once produced more than 1000 tanks, is now the most difficult in its history. (source: