“The Bulgarian Government has already ordered a feasibility study for a speedway project Ruse-Veliko Tarnovo to reach the speedway to Sofia, and this team has come to the conclusion that it would be very good if the next bridge between the two countries would link Giurgiu and Ruse. As far as I am concerned, I’ll ask for the support of our MPs and all the personalities and bodies this project depends on, to make it come true and not remain just a project, because we are certain that the most appropriate spot for this bridge, for the next bridge to connect our countries is here, between Ruse and Giurgiu, undoubtedly,” the Bulgarian official said.


He reminded that this is the place where the European corridors 7 and 9 are passing through, and that a new bridge is necessary to ease traffic congestion from and to Bucharest, a capital city with millions of inhabitants.


In his turn, the president of the Giurgiu County Council, Vasile Mustatea told the same press conference that he will send a letter to the Transport Minister to support this idea.


“I’ll send a letter to the Transport Minister, next week, to get his support for this project and to ask for an audience to have a broader talk on this topic because I believe that the opening of the works for a new bridge over the Danube here, at us, will be a dynamic horizontal and vertical factor for the Giurgiu city, it would create a lot of jobs and will bring to the increase of the living standard, too. I find this project very important for the following period in our area,” said Mustatea, according to Agerpres. (source: nineoclock.ro)