"I think that in 2018, when we celebrate 100 years of national united state, our mountains will be crossed by two modern roads: one from the south to Transylvania, and another one from Moldavia to Transylvania," Dancu said in Focsani, where he attended the 157th anniversary of the 'Small Union' between two of the three Romanian provinces - the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia.


If those two projects are not completed, it would mean "one century passed for nothing, and the union is not permanent," he asserted, adding that "the union is not made just of speeches and failed promises."


Asked whether Moldavia will be a separate chapter in the Romania's next development strategy, the vice prime minister answered: "It has a major place, because this whole strategy we're drawing up has cohesion as its main component. In other words, we try to eliminate to the maximum possible extent the present-day differences." (source: actmedia.eu)