The end sections of the motorway will be available for use earlier.


The Sibiu-Pitesti motorway is particularly important for the automobile industry. It “must remain a priority and it is very important that it be finished by the end of 2020,” said Nicolas Maure, head of Dacia, speaking in December 2015, according to


“It takes 10 hours to make the journey, it’s absolutely not competitive,” he added, referring to the Pitesti-Nadlac distance. Nevertheless, the last feasibility study for the project was ready in 2008, which makes it now expired and thus a new study will be needed. “Best case scenario is that work could start in 2017 for two of the five sections and it seems difficult to believe that the 120 km road could be ready by 2020,” says Hotnews.


Other projects that the Ministry will be undergoing this year include the Timisoara-Lugoj motorway, the roadway part of which has already been made available for use (26 kilometers), with work left to be done for the service spaces; continued work on the Sebes-Turda motorway for all four sections, and the Orastie-Sibiu motorway. “There we have unblocked the project, moving to reconstructing the demolished portion, the motorway being ready for use in September,” said the minister of the latter project.


As for the Lugoj-Deva motorway, the three remaining lots are all currently undergoing work. “15 kilometers of motorway on lot 2 will be made available for use this year, and 21 and 22 kilometers respectively for lots 3 and 4, which means that they will be basically put under complete traffic.


In terms of train projects, the main ongoing ones are those on the Sighisoara-Simeria section, where trains are estimated to be able to travel at 160 km/h. “In this area, the situation is as follows: on the Vintu de Jos – Coslariu section, the initial state at the beginning of the year was of 34 percent, by the end of the year we aim to reach 70%, on Coslariu – Micasasa from 86 percent we’ll reach 100 percent, meaning we will finalize this section, and on the last two sections, Micasasa – Atel and Atel – Sighisoara, we are leaving from somewhere around 64-65 percent and we will reach 90 percent at the end of the year,” continued Costescu.


In the naval sector, the focus will be on developing and modernizing harbor infrastructure, and as such work will be done at the Oltenita, Tulcea and Calafat harbors, modernizing equipment at the Authority for Navigable Channels and navigability on the Danube will be improved, added Agerpres.


Work will also be done on the two airports within the Ministry’s portfolio, the Kogalniceanu Airport in Constanta and the Bucharest Airport. (source: