The latest generation manufacturing plant that Procter&Gamble built “from scratch” in just 15 months’ time is proof of the way in which a company can help Romania excel in modern Europe through innovation, professionalism, volunteering and support extended to the community.


Urlati was the city that P&G selected over seven years ago as the best location for one of its greenest manufacturing plants in the world, a plant that was tasked with the important mission of producing, on a daily basis, brands beloved by millions of consumers in Romania and abroad. This represents a new generation of P&G manufacturing plants that incorporate elements of sustainability from design to operations and that serves as a model for other plants built by the company worldwide.


Apart from the sustainability and functionality that make it stand out, the Urlati plant also has another reason for pride, being a preferred employer in the community. Employees are permanently encouraged to emphasise personal innovation, vision and initiative, in order to evolve constantly and to improve their careers and working environment. Opportunities for an impressive career, such as promotion from assembly line operator to team leader, but also the existence of a fitness centre opened throughout the week, these are just two examples that illustrate why the plant is an extremely attractive workplace.


At the same time, the Urlati plant is growing with the community and its employees, by developing and implementing social projects that are winning not only prizes but also hearts, and that are often implemented with the involvement of the employees.


Among these projects, such as the Science Club for 11th graders, awarded for the best innovation of the year at a national competition, and civic education programmes, the first Technical School of Urlati is worth a special mention for completely changing the professional opportunities of the city’s labour force.


Launched two years ago and set to register its first generation of graduates in June 2016, the school offers unique learning opportunities for 8th graders and 9th graders who want to pursue a career in the technical domain after gaining specific professional skills.


P&G supports the curriculum through six weeks of technical training, period in which the students benefit from support offered by plant volunteers and have the opportunity to test and work on real production lines. Moreover, the company offers scholarships to students with very good results, in order to motivate them. (source: